Saturday, April 23, 2005

Quilibet imitabilis juris professio

Attorney Lynne Stewart is spending her last summer free of cavity checks and girl-girlfriends. She published (contrary to court orders) a press release in which her client, that blind Santa Claus Arab Harem Overlord, Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, withdrew his support for a cease-fire in Egypt. He was (and is) incarcerated with special circumstances, and ergo incommunicado. She claims she has done nothing wrong. That just supports the proposition - Quilibet imitabilis juris professio (Anyone can imitate a lawyer). Let’s look into the depth of her depravity.

al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (GAI) is an Egypt-based terrorist group, active since 1977. They seem to be no more than girls from the hood – 74% of their victims have been tourists. How pathetic. Killing tourists is a badge of honor only for phallic-challenged terrorists. Our blind Santa Clause was their spiritual leader. (Remember his crime? He blew up a parking lot.)

GAI settled down for a while from 1997 until 2000, when Santa Claus – through our hero Atty. Lynne Stewart – withdrew his support. Stewart didn’t just leak a statement to the GAI. She issued a press release. GAI immediately began to kill Christians. Was this a momentary lapse of reason?

Let’s look into her indictment for clues.

Directly quoted:

The May 2000 Prison Visit

j. On or about May 19, 2000, during a prison visit to Abdel Rahman (Ed. – nee Santa Claus) by STEWART and YOUSRY (Ed. – STEWART is Lynne Stewart; YOUSRY is soon-to-be-codefendant Mohammed Yousry was supposedly an interpreter, but was actually a terrorist), YOUSRY told Abdel Rahman and STEWART about the kidnappings by the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group in the Philippines and Abu Sayyaf’s demand to free Abdel Rahman, to which STEWART replied, “Good for them.” STEWART then told Abdel Rahman that she believed he could be released from prison if the government in Egypt were changed. (Ed. – what part of changing foreign governments is germane to preparing a defense?) STEWART also told Abdel Rahman that events like the Abu Sayyaf kidnappings in the Philippines are important, although they “may be futile,” because it is “very, very crucial” that Abdel Rahman not be forgotten as a hero of the “Muiahadeen” (Jihad warriors).

k. On or about May 19, 2000, during a prison visit to Abdel Rahman by STEWART and YOUSRY, YOUSRY read Abdel Rahman an inflammatory statement by Taha that had recently been published in an Egyptian newspaper.

l. On or about May 19, 2000, during a prison visit to Abdel Rahman by STEWART and YOUSRY, YOUSRY, at STEWART's urging, read Abdel Rahman a letter from SATTAR. Among other things, SATTAR’s letter informed Abdel Rahman that SATTAR’s communications with specified Islamic Group leaders had become “semi-constant” over the past year, arid asked Abdel Rahman, “If there is anything, please notify.” In addition, SATTAR's letter asked Abdel Rahman to endorse “the formation of a team that calls for cancellation of the peace initiative or makes threats escalates things.”

m. On or about May 19, 2000, during a prison visit to Abdel Rahman by STEWART and YOUSRY, while YOUSRY read Taha's statement and SATTAR's letter to Abdel Rahman, STEWART actively concealed that fact from the prison guards. At one point, STEWART and YOUSRY explicitly discussed the fact that the guards were patrolling close to the prison conference room and might notice that STEWART was not involved in the conversation between YOUSRY and Abdel Rahman. To conceal the fact that STEWART was not participating in the meeting, among other things, STEWART instructed YOUSRY to make it look as if STEWART were communicating with Abdel Rahman and YOUSRY were merely translating, by having YOUSRY look periodically at STEWART and Abdel Rahman in turn, even though YOUSRY was in fact reading. STEWART also pretended to be participating in the conversation with Abdel Rahman by making extraneous comments such as “chocolate” and “heart attack.” STEWART contemporaneously observed to YOUSRY that she could “get an award for” her acts of concealment, and YOUSRY agreed that STEWART should “get an award in acting.” Following the comments about STEWART's acting ability, STEWART, YOUSRY, and Abdel Rahman all laughed.

n. On or about. May 19, 2000, during a prison visit to Abdel Rahman by STEWART and YOUSRY, while YOUSRY read SATTAR’s letter to Abdel Rahman, STEWART and YOUSRY laughed while acknowledging that if the prison guards discovered that they, were reading Abdel Rahman a letter from SATTAR they would get “in trouble.”

o. On or about May 20, 2000, during the second day of a prison visit to Abdel Rahman by STEWART and YOUSRY, Abdel Rahman dictated letters to YOUSRY indicating that he did not support the cease-fire and calling for the Islamic Group, to reevaluate the cease-fire, while STEWART again actively concealed the conversation between YOUSRY and Abdel Rahman from the prison guards. Among other things, STEWART periodically interrupted the dictation with extraneous comments, and stated explicitly that she would do so from time to time in order to keep the guards from realizing that she was not participating in the conversation.

p. In or about late May 2000, after STEWART and YOUSRY's visit to Abdel, SATTAR had telephone conversations with Islamic Group leaders in which he stated that Abdel Rahman: (1) did not object to a return to “work” (terrorist operations); (2) agreed that the Islamic Group should escalate the issues in the media; (3) advised the Islamic Group to avoid division in the Islamic Group's leadership; and (4) instructed the Islamic Group to hint at a military operation even if the Islamic Group was not ready for military action.

Stewart’s May 26. 2000 Submission of Her Agreement to Abide by the Terms of the Special Administrative Measures

q. On or about May 26, 2000, STEWART submitted to the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York the affirmation that she signed on May 16, 2000, in which she agreed to abide by the terms of the SAMs then in effect on Abdel Rahman.

The June 2000 Press Release Regarding Abdel Rahman’s Withdrawal of Support for the Initiative

r. On or about June 14, 2000, STEWART released a statement to the press that quoted Abdel Rahman as stating that he “is withdrawing his support for the cease-fire that currently exists.”

s. On or about June 15, 2000, during a telephone conversation with another person, STEWART stated her concern that she would not be able to “hide” from the United States Attorney’s office the fact that she had issued the press release.

(End direct quotes.)

Verdict – guilty. And it wasn’t just the Egypt ceasefire that was at issue. Read The Smoking Gun’s writing and note the USS Cole discussion at the end of it.

Stewart was aiding and abetting a convicted terrorist. And now she has amassed her liberal friends and wants our sympathy. In fact, she’s on a speaking tour while she waits for a September 23, 2005, sentencing.

Sympathy? She won’t get mine.

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